

Some Economists and Econometricians: 

·         David Card   

·         Pedro Carneiro                       

·         John DiNardo

·         Raquel Fernandez

·         Nicole Fortin

·         Michael Keane

·         Thomas Lemieux

·         Lisa Lynch

·         Pedro Mira


Economic Websites: 

`           General:

·         Jstor

·         NBER

·         EconLit

            Data Sets:

·         Current Population Survey (CPS)

·         The National Longitudinal Survey of Youth (NLSY79)

·         Panel de Desigualtats a Catalunya (PaC)

            Jobs and Conferences:

·         The Spanish Job Market

·         Inomics

·         Jobs in UK  

·         ERN

·         American Economic Association


Newspapers and News: 

·         Telenoticies Catalunya

·         El Pais

·         BBC

·         La Repubblica

·         Ordint la Trama



·         Planning your route or finding and address

·         What’s up in Firenze?

·         ... and in Barcelona?    


Per riure (for fun):

There are two types of economists:

-those who cannot forecast interest rates,

-those who do not know that they cannot forecast interest rates.